Jumat, 12 Februari 2016

Cara Membuat LOGO TRANS TV dengan Corel Draw



1. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan program pengolah desain grafis ?
      program pengolah desain grafis adalah program yang mengolah suatu bentuk komunikasi visual yang menggunakan gambar untuk menyampaikan informasi atau pesan seefektif mungkin.
2. Apa yang dimakdud dengan desain grafis berbasis vektor ? Berikan contohnya.
      Grafis jenis vektor yang merupakan perkembangan dari sistem grafis bitmap (digital). Grafis ini tidak tergantung pada banyaknya pixel penyusunnya dan kondisi monitor karena tampilan vektor tersusun atas garis-garis. Tampilan akan terlihat jelas meskipun dilakukan pembesaran (zooming). Penggunaan titik-titik koordinat dan rumus-rumus tertentu dapat menciptakan bermacam-macam bentuk grafis, seperti lingkaran, segitiga, bujur sangkar dan poligon. Dengan demikian , pemakaian grafis vektor akan lebih irit dari segi volume file, tetapi dari segi pemakaian prosessor akan memakan banyak memori. Program aplikasi grafis yang berbasis vektor antara lain : CorelDraw, Macromedia Free hand, Adobe Illustrator dan Micrografx Designer.
3. Apa yang dimakdud dengan desain grafis berbasis bitmap ? Berikan contohnya.
       Grafis desain bitmap dibentuk dengan raster/pixel/dot/titik/point koordinat. Semakin banyak jumlah titik yang membentuk suatu grafis bitmap berarti semakin tinggi tingkat kerapatannya. Hal ini menyebabkan semakin halus citra grafis, tetapi kapasitas filenya semakin besar. 
4. Sebutkan dan jelaskan bagian-bagian lembar kerja CorelDraw dibawah ini ! 
      Grafis ini biasa digunakan untuk kepentingan foto-foto digital. Program aplikasi grafis yang berbasis bitmap, antara lain : Adobe Photoshop, Corel Photopaint, Microsoft Photo Editor dan Macromedia Fireworks.

Buatlah objek berikut dengan menggunakan toolbox


Ø  Interactive blend digunakan untuk membuat deretan objek diantara objek awal dan objek akhir.
     1. Buat dua objek, diletakkan berjauhan
     2. Klik interactive blend tool pada toolbox
     3. Drag dari objek A ke objek B dan lepaskan mouse, maka akan menghasilkan gambar gabungan.

Ø  Interactive countor digunakan untuk membuat objek secara kontinu menuju titik atau titik tertentu dari objek.
     1. Buat objek atau teks
     2. Klik Interactive contour tool dari toolbox
     3. Klik dari pinggir objek dan drag ke tengah objek
     4. Lepaskan mouse.

Ø  Interactive distortion adalah mengubah bentuk objek menjadi objek yang lain secara teratur. Contohnya kita sudah memiliki sebuah objek lingkaran dan lingkaran tersebut ingin diubah menjadi gambar daun sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
      1. buat sebuah objek
      2. klik interactive distortion tool
      3. drag objek sehingga membentuk objek lain
Ø  Interactive envelope digunakan untuk membuat efek distorsi dengan mendrag titik – titik pada objek.
      1. Buat sebuah objek atau teks        
      2. Klik Interactive envelope tool
      3. Klik and drag titik yang akan diubah sesuai dengan kebutuhan
Ø  Interactive extrude digunakan untuk membuat gambar 3 dimensi
      1. Buat objek atau teks
      2. Klik Interactive extrude tool
      3. Drag untuk membuat extrude
Ø  Interactive tranparansi digunakan untuk melakukan interaksi sebuah objek atau lebih. Dengan transparansi, objek-objek yang ada di belakang menjadi terlihat.
      1. buatlah dua objek (beri warna) yang saling bertumpuk (boleh satu objek atau teks)
      2. klik interactive transparency tool
      3. Drag salah satu objek, gerakkan ke pinggir sehingga objek yang terletak di belakang terlihat
Ø  Interactive drop shadow menjadikan objek seolah-olah terkena sinar dari arah tertentu dan ada bayangan gelap dari arah lawan sinar.
     1. buatlah objek kotak (beri warna)
     2. klik interactive drop shadow tool
     3. Drag dari tengah objek dan arahkan kea rah bayangan yang dikehendaki
Ø  Interactive mesh fill huruf-huruf dapat diubah susunannya sesuai dengan keinginan.
     1. buat tulisan CORELDRAW
     2. aktifkan tulisan CORELDRAW
     3. klik interactive mesh fill
     4. Drag and drop (fill) pada bagian kotak kecil di bawah huruf dan bawa ke tempat yang akan diletakkan.


1. WELD, menggabungkan dua objek
   Ø  Buat 2 objek, tumpukkan
   Ø  Seleksi 2 objek tersebut
   Ø  Klik Arrange – Shaping – Weld
2. TRIM, menyisakan objek pada daerah yang terseleksi
   Ø  Buat 2 objek, tumpukkan
   Ø  Seleksi 2 objek tersebut
   Ø  Klik Arrange – Shaping – Trim
3. INTERSECT, menyisakan objek pada daerah yang berpotongan
   Ø  Buat 2 objek, tumpukkan
   Ø  Seleksi 2 objek tersebut
   Ø  Klik Arrange – Shaping – Intersect
4. SIMPLIFY, kebalikan dari intersect, menyisakan daerah yang tidak berpotongan
   Ø  Buat 2 objek, tumpukkan
   Ø  Seleksi 2 objek tersebut
   Ø  Klik Arrange – Shaping – Simplify
5. FRONT MINUS BACK, memotong objek yang ada di depan dengan objek yang ada di belakang
   Ø  Buat 2 objek, tumpukkan
   Ø  Seleksi 2 objek tersebut
   Ø  Klik Arrange – Shaping – Front minus back
6. BACK MINUS FRONT, memotong objek yang ada di depan dengan objek yang ada di  belakang
   Ø  Buat 2 objek, tumpukkan
   Ø  Seleksi 2 objek tersebut
   Ø  Klik Arrange – Shaping – Back minus front
    Adalah memasukkan objek ke objek yang lain. Objek yang dimasukkan disebut dengan content, sedangkan objek yang menampungnya disebut dengan container.
Ø  Buat objek lingkaran
Ø  Import gambar (File – Import)
Ø  Seleksi gambar yang akan dimasukkan ke objek lingkaran
Ø  Klik Effects – Power Clip – Place Inside Container
Ø  Arahkan pointer pada objek lingkaran hingga berbentuk èkemudian klik
    Adalah menggabungkan objek dengan mengosongkan daerah yang berpotongan dan warna objek mengikuti objek yang paling belakang.
Ø  Buat dua buah objek atau tulisan dan sebuah objek beri warna yang berbeda
Ø  Aktifkan kedua objek
Ø  Klik Arrange - combine

OBJEK DAN TULISAN (Teks mengikuti objek / kurva)
Ø  Buat objek / kurva
Ø  Ketik teks misal CORELDRAW
Ø  Aktifkan / pilih teks dan objek
Ø  Klik Text di menubar – klik Fit Text To Path


          Kuat dalam aqidah unggul dalam IPTEK

  • Meningkatkan keimanan dan ketaqwaan kepada Allah SWT sehingga tercipta siswa yang sholeh dan sholehah sekolah yang berwawasan agamis.
  • Meningkatkan sumber daya dan profesionalisme guru TU dan personil sekolah lainnya. melalui penatataran  diklat. MGMP, Seminar, lokakarya, binap serta kegiatan lainnya.
  • Meningkatkan kemampuan dan keterampilan guru dalam proses pembelajaran.
  • Mengemabangkan wawasan WIYATA MANDALA sehingga tercipta suasana sekolah yang kondusif dengan mengembangkan nilai-nilai logika, etika, estetika dan praktika.
  • Mengembangkan sumber daya siswa melalui pendekatan IQ, EQ, dan SQ, sehingga terwujud siswa yang cerdas dan terampil, berakhlak mulia, matang, beriwa kreatif, inisiatif, produktif, serta kompetitif.
  • Mewujudkan mutu layanan prima dalam melaksanakan tugas dan kewajiban baik ke dalam maupun ke luar.
  • Meningkatakn nilai kekeluargaan di antara guru, karyawan, orang tua/wali siswa dan masyarakat lainnya.

Selasa, 13 Oktober 2015

Kata-Kata Bijak

"Tak selamanya jalan cerita berjalan sesuai damba. Tawa bukan berarti bahagia, kadang hanya lukisan dari sebuah gambaran perasaan yang hendak disembunyikan. dan tangisan tidaklah menjadi ciri ketidakberdayaan, melainkan cara bahwa sebuah kebahagiaan telah cukup untuk dipertahankan dan diperjuangkan." (AnjaniOri)


"Cinta tak pernah merubahmu menjadi orang lain. cinta adalah hal yang menunjukkan dan menguatkan siapa jati dirimu yang sebenarnya." (AnjaniOri)

Selasa, 06 Oktober 2015

12 Tipe Teks Bahasa Inggris

Social function narrative: To amuse or entertain the readers with actual or imaginary experience in different ways. Narrative
always deals with some problems which lead to the climax and then turn into a solution to the problem.

Generic Structure Narrative:
1. Orientation ( who was involved, when and where was it happened)
2. Complication ( a problem arises and followed by other problems)
3. Resolution ( provide solution to the problem)

Language features Narrative:
• Use of noun phrases ( a beautiful princess, a huge temple)
• Use of adverbial phrases of time and place ( in the garden, two days ago)
• Use of simple past tense ( He walked away from the village)
• Use of action verbs ( walked, slept)
• Use of adjectives phrases ( long black hair)
Explain text Narative:

A Mouse and A lion

Once, as a lion lay sleeping in his den, a naughty little mouse ran up his tail, onto his back, up his mane and danced and jumped on his head, so that the lion woke up.
lion angry grabbed the mouse and, holding him in his large claws, roared in anger. 'How dare you wake me up! Don't you know that I am King of the Beasts? Anyone who disturbs my rest deserves to die! I shall kill you and eat you!'
The terrified mouse, shaking and trembling, begged the lion to let him go. 'Please don't eat me Your Majesty! I did not mean to wake you, it was a mistake. I was only playing. Please let me go - and I promise I will be your friend forever. Who knows but one day I could save your life?'
The lion looked at the tiny mouse and laughed. 'You save my life? What an absurd idea!' he said scornfully. 'But you have made me laugh, and put me into a good mood again, so I shall let you go.' And the lion opened his claws and let the mouse go free.
'Oh thank you, your majesty,' squeaked the mouse, and scurried away as fast as he could.
A few days later the lion was caught in a hunter's snare. Struggle as he might, he couldn't break free and became even more entangled in the net of ropes. He let out a roar of anger that shook the forest. Every animal heard it, including the tiny mouse.
The mouse was rushing to the source of its roar and he found the lion was powerless. The mouse then bit the rope that cought the lion so that the lion can escape from the trap. The lions are very grateful to the mouse, and they became friends best forever.

Social function recount: To tell the readers what happened in the past through a sequence of events.

Generic Structure of Recount:
1. Orientation ( who were involved, when and where was it happened)
2. Events ( tell what happened in a chronological order)
3. Re-orientation ( optional – closure of events)

Language features Recount:
• Use of pronouns and nouns ( David, he, she)
• Use of action verbs in past (went, studied)
• Use of past tense ( We went for a trip to the zoo)
• Use of adverbial phrases
• Use of adjectives

Children's Day
On Children's Day in 1999, a technology company treated more than 200 underprivileged children to a 'high-tech' experience. They were given training on information technology.

The company wanted to provide opportunities for these children to learn more about the Internet and the latest technology. They wanted to help the less fortunate in the community.

The children had an enjoyable and educational experience that day. They were exposed to the new technology for the first time and they were very interested. The company hoped to conduct many more such training sessions for these children. They fell that the skills the children had would be useful to them when they grew up.

The company was very active in caring for the less fortunate. They even put aside one day a year for their employees to do volunteer work to help the needy. They also donated money to many charitable organisations.

Many people had benefited from their efforts. Many also praised the company for being so generous towards the needy.

Social Function descriptive: To describe a particular person, place or thing.

Generic Structure descriptive:
1. Identification (identify phenomenon to be described)
2. Description (describe parts, qualities, characteristics)

Language features descriptive:
• Focus on specific participants
• Use of attributive and identifying processes
• Frequent use classifiers in nominal groups.
• Use of the Simple Present Tense

Mount Ciremai
  Mount Ceremai often mistakenly called " Ciremai "  is a volcanic cone that is administratively included in the three districts , namely Cirebon , Kuningan and Majalengka, West Java Province. The geographical position of the peak is located at 6 ° 53 ' 30 "latitude and 108 ° 24 ' 00 " East, with an altitude of 3,078 m above sea level. This mountain is the highest mountain in West Java.

  is mountain has a double crater. Western crater radius 400 m east of the crater that was interrupted by a radius of 600 m. At an altitude of about 2,900 m above sea level on the southern slopes of the eruption are former Gowa called Swallow.

  Ciemai now belongs to the National Park area of ​​Mount Ciremai (TNGC), which has a total area of ​​approximately 15,000 hectares.

The name is derived from the word mountain ciremai ( Phyllanthus acidus, a kind of small fruiting shrubs is rather sour ), but is often called Ciremai , a hiperkorek symptoms due to the many place names in the region Pasundan use the prefix 'ci -' for naming the place.

Social function report: To describe the way things are (for example: a man -made thing, animals, plants). The things must be a representative of their class.

Text organization report:
1. General classification (introduces the topic of the report/tells what phenomenon under discussion is.)
2. Description (tell the details of topic such as physical appearance, parts, qualities, habits/behaviour).

Language features report:
• Use of general nouns ( Whales, Kangaroo, Computer)
• Use of present tense(Komodo dragons usually weigh more than 160 kg)
• Use of behavioural verbs (Snakes often sunbathe in the sun)
• Use of technical terms ( Water contains oxygen and hydrogen)
• Use of relating verbs (is, are, has)


A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia, although it has a smaller relative, called a wallaby, which lives on the Australian island of Tasmania and also in New Guinea.

Kangaroos eat grass and plants. They have short front legs, but very long, and very strong back legs and a tail. These are used for sitting up and for jumping. Kangaroos have been known to make forward jumps of over eight metres, and leap across fences more than three metres high. They can also run at speeds of over 45 kilometres per hour.

The largest kangaroos are the Great Grey Kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo. Adult grow to a length of 1.60 metres and weigh over 90 kilos.

Kangaroos are marsupials. This means that the female kangaroo has an external pouch on the front of her body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it crawls at once into this pouch where it spends its first five months of life

Social function Procedure: To help us do a task or make something. They can be a set of instructions or directions.

Text organization:
1. Goals ( the final purpose of doing the instruction)
2. Materials ( ingredients, utensils, equipment to do the instructions)
3. Steps ( a set of instruction to achieve the final purpose)

Language features :
• Use of imperative ( Cut…….., Don’t mix……..)
• Use of action verbs (turn, put)
• Use of connectives(first, then, finally)

 How To Make Orange Juice
·                     2 sweet oranges
·                     Sugar
·                     ice cubes


1.       First, put the orange and ice cubes into a blender and some water.
2.             Second, turn on the blender. Wait until the orange and ice cubes dissolved.
3.             Third, put 2 tablespoons of sugar into a blender and turn the blender 15 seconds.
4.             Fourth, pour into a glass.
5.             Lastly, enjoy his juice.


Social function analytical exposition: To persuade the readers or the listeners that something in the case, to analyze or to explain.

Generic Structure analytical exposition:
1. Thesis (usually includes a preview argument. It introduces topics and indicates the writer’s position)
2. Arguments (consists of a point and elaboration sequence. The number of points may vary, but each must be supported by discussion and evidence)
3. Reiteration (restates the position more forcefully in the light of the arguments presented)

Language features analytical exposition:
• Emotive words such as : alarmed, worried.
• Words that qualify statements such as: usual probably
• Words that link arguments such as: firstly, however, on the other hand, therefore.
• Usually present tense
• Compound and complex sentences

The Unhealthy Fast Food
Fast food nowadays is considered a normal eating venture. People are not just eating out on special occasions or weekends anymore. It means that all the time they mostly eat fast foods. However is fast food good for health?
Fast food has its popularity in the 1940’s. Within a few years, fast-food operations popped up everywhere. With the compelling rise in fast-food restaurants since the 1940’s, oddly it started the rise in obesity and cancer during that same time period.
Fast food is highly processed with a wide array of additives. To ensure fast food’s low cost, the fast food products are made with highly-processed ingredients to give it shelf-life, to hold consistency, and to enhance flavor. Fast food is altered from its original healthy form.
It is not the calories in fast food which damage health and waistline. It is the chemical additives such as aspartame and MSG (monosodium glutamate). Studies show that the chemical additives lead to weight and disease issues.
So, there is absolutely nothing nutritional about fast food. Fast food simply feeds hunger and craving.

Social function spoof: To tell an event with a humorous twist.

Generic structure spoof text:
1. Orientation (who were involved, when and where was happened)
2. Events ( tell what happened in a chronological order)
3. Twist (provide the funniest part of the story)

Language features spoof:
• Use of connectives (first, then, finally)
• Use of adverbial phrases of time and place (in the garden, two days ago)
• Use of simple past tense (he walked away from the village)

Love Money too Much

A rich husband told his wife, “Dear, I want to keep all my money to the bank”. His wife replied, “Why do you want to keep all your money while we can use it to finance the needs of our life” her husband who is stingy did not consider her advice and still keep all his money in the bank.
One day, the husband was seriously ill, but he still loved his money. “If I die later, wrap all of my money and put into my grave” asked her husband. Finally, after a while, her husband was dead. Then she did all her husband demands. She put something into her husband’s grave. One of her friend asked her, “Why did you do that?” “I did what was ordered by my husband!” She replied. “So you buried all that money?” asked her friend. “I took the money then I put it into my savings and I buried the check with my husband” said the wife.


Social function hortatory exposition: To persuade the readers or the listeners that something should or should not be the case.

Generic structure hortatory exposition:
1. Thesis ( stating an issue of concern)
2. Arguments ( giving reasons for concern, leading recommendation)
3. Recommendation (stating what ought or ought not to happen)

Language features hortatory exposition:
• Emotive words: alarmed, worried
• Words that qualify statements: usual probably
• Words that link arguments: firstly, however, on the other hand, therefore
• Usually present tense
• Compound and complex sentences
• Modal auxiliary: can, may, should, must


Garbage is unwanted material after the end of a process. Garbage is defined by human based on the degrees of the use. In natural processes actually, there is no concept of garbage, there are only products produced after and during the process was held. Because in human life there is a definition of environment concept, garbage can be divided based on its types.
The location of waste management which is inadequate and uncontrolled is a suitable place for some organisms and attractive to various animals like flies and dogs which can cause disease.
The potential danger of health that can inflict by garbage are as follows: cholera, and typhus that spread rapidly because of the virus that derived from improper waste management can be mingled with drinking water, a disease of dengue fever that can also increase rapidly in regions with less adequate management of garbage, a fungus disease, a disease that can spread through the food chain. An example is a disease by the tapeworm. A report says that in Japan about 40,000 people died due to consuming fish that has been contaminated by mercury. Mercury is derived from garbage dumped into the sea by the factory that produces a battery and accumulator.
Seepage liquid waste that goes into the river will pollute water or drainage. A variety of organisms including fish can die so that some species will disappear, this causes a changing of biological water ecosystem. The decomposition of garbage dumped into the water will produce an organic acid and gas-liquid organic, such as methane. Besides the smelling is bad, the gas can explode in a high concentration.
Waste management, that is detrimental, can form an uncomfortable environment for the people, unpleasant and bad smell because the garbage scattered everywhere. It gives negative impact on tourism. Inadequate waste management causes low level of public health. The important thing here is increasing indirect fund to treat people in the hospital.
Solid waste disposal to the main water can cause flood and for will give the impact to the facilities and public services such as roads, the bridge, drainage, and others. Other infrastructures can also be affected by inadequate waste management, as high as the cost to water conservation. People also tend to throw garbage on the road. This case causes the road is needed often cleaning and repairing.
To handle and solve this problem, I think it is not only the government’s responsibility but also the community’s. We must also participate in helping government. How to do it? It is easy! Just fix first the ethics of disposing the garbage in the right way and place. Train ourselves to dispose the waste in the right place. It is easy to say, but it feels difficult to do. Everything should be based on with the inner intention. Then, what should we do with the garbage or waste? Maybe we can try the se following ideas such as: reuse it as the craft, recycle it and use it as the basic building material.

Social function explanation: To explain the process involved in the formation or working of natural or socio cultural phenomena

Generic structure explanation:
1. A general statement to position the reader
2. A sequenced explanation of why or how something occurs
3. Closing

Language features explanation:
• Focus on generic, non-human participants.
• Use mainly of general and abstract nouns, action verbs, simple present tense, passive voice, conjunction of time and cause, noun phrases, complex sentences, and technical language.
Rainbow is a natural phenomenon that is so impressive. This phenomenon often appears after rain. Rainbow is an arc spectrum which is so large and occurs because the drops are refracted by sunlight. When the sun is shining and the light passing through water droplets, then you will see a refraction that causes a wide variety of colors. Light is refracted like light passing through a glass prism.
Other names of the rainbow is a rainbow which is a symptom of optical and meteorological phenomenon in which light with different colors refracted parallel to each other into water droplets. You can also see this phenomenon under the very high and heavy waterfall.
How does rainbow happen in detail? All the happenings begin when the sunlight passing through the raindrops. Then the light is deflected to the center of the droplet. The white light, now separated from each other into a spectrum of colors. The process does not stop there. The colors that have been separated, then separate again into the very small portions. There is more light separated from each other in the droplets. Then there are more curved and finally those color form a light curve called a rainbow.
Can we make a rainbow? Of course. There are at least two ways that you can do to make a rainbow. First, you can use a spray containing water. We know that rainbows occur when sunlight passing through the raindrops. So, we make our own rain droplets from the water spray. In the morning or afternoon, spray water under the sun, then see the water droplets flying. Spray lots of water and you will see a small rainbow that you can touch easily.
Second, use pieces of video discs then reflected to the light of the sun, and navigate to the wall or ceiling of your house. On the ceiling or the wall, you will see a colorful light that have the same color with the rainbow.
That’s the definition of rainbow, how does it happen, and how we can make it true.

Social function discussion: To present information and opinions about more than one side of an issue (“for” points “against” points)
Generic structure discussion:
1. Opening statement presenting the issue
2. Arguments or evidence for different points of view ( pros and cons)
3. Concluding recommendation
Language features discussion:
• Use of general nouns: alcohol, abortion, smoking, etc.
• Use of relating verbs: is, are, etc.
• Use of thinking verbs: think, feel, hope believe, etc.
• Use of additive connectives: addition, furthermore, besides, etc.
• Use of contrastive connectives: although, even, if, nevertheless, etc.
• Use of causal connectives: because, because of, etc.
• Use of modal auxiliary: must, should, etc.
• Use of adverbial manner: hopefully.

The Impact Mobile Phone’s Development


In this modern age, Technology has grown rapidly in various areas or field such as communications, medical, transportation and others. However, the developments of technology in communications field are the fastest one for example Mobile Phone. Currently, this technology has become very modern; it is becoming more practical and have various features which are many and interesting. The development of mobile phone technology is making the teens addicted to it. They started using mobile phones with various purposes such as entertainment and communication. However, developments in communications technology have influence or impact on its users, especially teenagers.
The development of mobile technology has a positive impact for youth. They can get to know and more knowledgeable about this communication technology and also they can utilize their mobile phones to facilitate their work.
Besides having a positive benefit, the development of mobile phones is also bad for the teenagers. For examples teenagers can become addicted using these technologies so that they would forget their obligation to learn.
Therefore, we as a Youth or student should be able to take advantage of electronic technology as well as possible. We must use this Mobile Phone for useful things for ourselves and not harm the other.

Social function news item: To inform readers or listeners about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.

Generic structure news item:
1. News worthy event ( tells the event in a summary form)
2. Background events ( elaborate what happened, tell what caused the incident)
3. Sources ( comments by participants, witnesses, authorities and experts involved in the event)

Language features news item:
• Information on the use of head lines.
• Use of action verbs( hit, attack)
• Use of saying verbs( said, added, claimed)
•Use of passive sentences ( Aceh was hit by Tsunami in 2004)
• Use of adverbs in passive sentences (The victims were badly injured)

National scene: Six fishermen arrested in Malaysia

Malaysian powers have confined six anglers from West Brandan, Langkat, North Sumatra, on Langkawi Island.

“Six customary anglers from Langkat were captured and kept in Langkawi, Malaysia,” executive of the North Sumatra office of the Indonesian Traditional Fishermen Association (KNTI) Tajruddin Hasibuan said as cited by Antara.

The captures were made as the anglers were returning home from a three-day trip. Tajruddin said that Malaysian oceanic police captured the anglers on May 9. The anglers were recognized as Abdul Rais, Daiman, Zailani, M. Zais, Radit and Hery. Hasibuan encouraged the administration to help discharge the six anglers.

Social function review: To critique an art work or event for a public audience

Generic structure review:
1. Orientation ( background information on the text)
2. Evaluation ( concluding statement : judgment, opinion, or recommendation. It can consist of more than one.
3. Interpretative Recount ( summary of an art works including characters and plot).
4. Evaluative summation: the last opinion consisting the appraisal or the punch line of the art works being criticized.

Language features review:
• Focus on specific participants
• Use of adjectives
• Use of long and complex clauses
• Use of metaphor
• Reviews are used to summarize, analyze and respond to art works. They may include: movie, TV shows, books, plays, concerts, etc.
h by made a fire.
They went home back together. In the end, they lived happy forever after.


Title                             : 5cm
Genre                          : Fiction
Director                       : Rizal Mantovani
Year                            : 2012
Duration                      : about 2 hours
Stars                            : Zafran (Herjunot Ali),
Genta (Fedy Nuril),
Riani (Raline Shah),
Arial (Denny Sumargo),
Ian (Igor Saykoji)
The story started by introducing the setting of the movie. It was around Cikini ( Chicken Porridge Seller), In this place a story about friendship grew for many years. It was about a friendship between five different persons they were Zafran ( Herjunot Ali), Arial (Denny Sumargo), Ian (Igor Saykoji), Riani (Raline Shah), Genta (Fedi Nuril). Each of them has different characters for example: Arial, he was look like a Rambo and always brought ketchup every where he go. Ian, he was fat and like to eat noodles and always watched porn movies . Riani, the most beautiful woman between them, she likes to drink noodles soup that she asked from Ian. Zafran, he was a poem lover. And the last is Genta, he has a good live and a good work.
And the next, the movie continued to Arial’s house. They met with arial’s parents and arial’s sister, her name is Arinda she usually called Dinda. Zafran fell in love with Zafran at the first sight. They usually gathered in the Arial’s  garden house.  There Genta told to his friend about his idea, he asked his friends to go out from the box for three months. And then they dealt for three months without any communication between them until Genta give an information about where they will suppose to meet again and Genta promised to invite his friends to do something in some place so they can get unforgettable experience that they ever had.
            After three months later, finally Genta contact his friends and made an appointment to meet in Senen Train Station, there they don’t have any idea about what will be happen until they arrived in a strange location for them. It was Sumeru Mountain. One week before they meet, Genta asked his friends to bring some hiking equipments such as: carier, tent, lamp, some snack and do small exercise before they go. They started their adventure and continued the journey to Bromo and then they started to climb the highest mountain In Java Island, Mahameru Mountain. Their journey was not well, they met some problems, Zafran’s leg suddenly bleeding, they had lack of water in the middle of journey, Arial almost died because of the worst cold. Arinda and Ian hit some rocks from the top of the mountain. Arinda’s ears bleeding until she couldn’t hear anything, and Ian had unconscious and it made his friends panic and predicted that he was died. After they fought with a great problems finally they can reach the top of Mahameru Mountain, they flagged the Indonesian’s flag there.        
            I like this movie because it introduced each of the characters by taking unique point of view, it makes the audience can feel the joy of the movie. Especially when introducing Ian with his noodles and porn movies . The friendship between them is filled with love story during their journey to Mahameru Mountain, it was so funny and full of love.
            The movie was good and funny but the story is not too deep. Especially about nationalism messages. The love story is not clear so the audience still confused and not satisfied, because the movie is not full just like the novel. But this movie is worth to be watched for relaxing and to open our mind about how beautiful is Indonesia.